Friendly Piece | Installation

Friendly Piece | Installation

Mermaid Arts Centre

August 20, 2024


August 31, 2024

Friendly Piece, an installation by Crash Ensemble, is based on a piece by composer Andrew Hamilton which explores friendliness and loving kindness, asking thequestion, “can music be kind?”

Commissioned in 2019 and written during Andrew’s time as composer in residence with Crash Ensemble, Andrew explores the ambiguous space in which music is performed. This recorded piece alludes to hovering between things, to evade being pinned down. It explores friendliness and kindness giving you a “tiny bit of joy oreven infuriating you” Everything belongs.

Interweaving a live recording of Friendly Piece, recorded at Kilkenny Arts Festival in 2023, this installation created by visual collaborator Emma Martin with production by Rob Kearns is open to all ages.

Come experience Friendly Piece, which will be installed on the stage  MermaidArts Centre.

Tuesday 20 — Saturday 31 August
11am-4pm daily (except Sundays)

Admission: FREE


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