Crash Ensemble named Ryan their Principal Conductor following their performances together at New Music Dublin 2020. Ryan conducted the premiere of Donnacha Dennehy's opera The Second Violinist in Ireland before taking the production to the Barbican in London and would have returned to the work again at the Park Avenue Armory in New York in autumn 2020 had circumstances permitted. The First Child, the last opera in the Donnacha Dennehy/ Enda Walsh trilogy, is currently touring Ireland (2022). Ryan studied at the Juilliard School, Indiana University, and as a Conducting Fellow at Tanglewood. The post of Apprentice Conductor at Lorin Maazel ́s Chateauville Foundation was created for him, and he served as the Assistant Conductor of the Aspen Music Festival. A Fulbright scholar, he served as Apprentice Conductor of the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, assisting then-Chief Conductor Alan Gilbert. He is the first-ever recipient of the Sir Georg Solti Emerging Conductor Award (now known as the Solti Conducting Award) and the Aspen-Glimmerglass Prize for Opera Conducting.When Ryan is not travelling, he lives in Brighton with his wife, the dancer and theatre artist Laura Careless, and their son Owain, while maintaining a close connection to New York's Hudson Valley where they spent the last couple of years.