Crash Ensemble present Wingform by Barry O’Halpin. Composed between 2017 and 2020, Wingform is an hour-long work in four movements, woven together with captivating solo electric guitar passages. This piece marks the culmination of Barry O’Halpin’s tenure as Crash Ensemble’s composer-in-residence, as well as his first few years as Crash’s guitarist. The live concert video was captured by Laura Sheeran, performed by Crash Ensemble, and brought to life with striking visuals by designer Jack Phelan. Barry reflects on this unforgettable performance: “This concert was a really special one: after two years of lockdowns and delays, it was the first time we were able to bring Wingform to a live, in-the-room audience on Crash Ensemble’s home turf at the National Concert Hall in Dublin. Doing this as part of Crash’s 25th birthday celebrations, with full-scale ensemble lineup, Ryan McAdams conducting and all of Jack Phelan’s visual elements, was a composer-performer’s dream.”